Apex Auto Parts

"Find your car parts here!"

Call Us: 1-805-385-1161

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Welcome to Our Auto Parts Store, Where You Can Find...
Domestic Parts
Hard-to-Find Parts
Foreign Parts
~ Sell your used car batteries here for $7 each~
*Please DO NOT attempt to contact us through this website. Instead use the e-mail address or phone number listed below.
Tel: (805) 385-1161
Email: appa805@hotmail.com
Store Hours:
MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
​SATURDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
SUNDAY: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
*Store is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day
1601 Pacific Ave Ste 210
Oxnard, CA 93303
About Us
We've been in business since the year 2000 and have been doing our utmost to aid customers in their auto parts needs. What we don't have in store we can order for you, deliver if you're a local mechanic or repair shop, and have it waiting for a quick pick-up, easy as pie. Our specialty are starters, alternators, AC compressors, rack & pinions, etc. Come on by or call in for prices!
Our Services
​-Delivery service to local customers (mechanics and repair shops only)
-Rebuild and repair service for your auto part
Please Note
​-Credit card sales are not accepted over the phone
-No returns or refunds on electrical parts, exchange only
-Returns are NOT accepted after 2 weeks for all items
Click the Picture to See What We're Currently Selling On eBay!
You'll be able to find:
*Control Arms
*A/C Compressors
*Steering Hose